Mainline Executive Coaching ACT

Leaders, Learn To Channel Your Inner Idiot

January 18, 2024 Rich Baron and Maikel Bailey Episode 261
Mainline Executive Coaching ACT
Leaders, Learn To Channel Your Inner Idiot
Show Notes

Mistakes are an inherent part of life, and they have the power to shape us positively if we choose to perceive them that way. Instead of fearing or avoiding mistakes, we should embrace them as valuable lessons in our journey of personal and professional development.

When we make mistakes, it indicates that we took a risk, tried something new, and stepped out of our comfort zone. Whether small or significant, every mistake offers a chance to gain knowledge, wisdom, and resilience.  However, when leaders attempt to conceal or disregard their mistakes, shift blame onto others, or choose to ignore issues hoping they will magically disappear, it is during these moments that trust begins to erode.

Rich and Maikel discuss the ability to channel our inner idiot into positive outcomes on this episode of Mainline Executive Coaching ACT. 

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Rich Baron:

Maikel Bailey: