Mainline Executive Coaching ACT

We Have the Talents to Bring Out the Hidden Talents in You

November 01, 2021 Rich Baron and Maikel Bailey Season 1 Episode 65
Mainline Executive Coaching ACT
We Have the Talents to Bring Out the Hidden Talents in You
Show Notes

Thank you for all of your support. Please let us know what you think about our podcast and what topic you may want to hear from us. Leaders, Lead Well!

Executive Coaching is not about teaching someone how to do their job. Quite frankly, it is assumed that you already know how to do that. It is about taking a leaders strengths and making them stronger. Finding the gaps that are holding you back and helping you develop a plan to improve on those areas. Helping you discover the leader inside that you do not know exists. These days it is an increasing expectation that organizational leaders at all levels utilize executive coaching. So how do coaches bring out the hidden talent in you? Rich and Maikel will discuss how we can help you find those hidden strengths.

Thank you to all of our listeners in over 70 countries and 600 cities worldwide, we greatly appreciate your support! We truly hope that what we bring to our listeners will improve your ability as leaders.

Leaders, Lead Well!

Mainline Executive Coaching ACT has been recognized by FeedSpot as the top Executive Coaching Podcast in the world based on thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by traffic, social media, followers & freshness.

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