Mainline Executive Coaching ACT

Can I Stop Being an Imposter Now?

Rich Baron and Maikel Bailey Episode 271

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Imposter Syndrome (IS) is a psychological pattern characterized by chronic self-doubt and a pervasive fear of being unmasked as a fraud, despite evidence of competence and success. Those experiencing Imposter Syndrome often attribute their accomplishments to external factors, discounting their abilities and contributions. 

Imposter Syndrome can have a significant impact on one's mental health and well-being, as it can create a cycle of negative self-talk and undermine confidence and self-worth. It can also lead to self-sabotaging behaviors. In leadership positions, IS can result in a  toxic work environment and a lack of trust and confidence in those leaders suffering from IS.

To overcome Imposter Syndrome, it is important to challenge negative thoughts and beliefs, practice self-compassion and acceptance, seek support from an executive coach, trusted friends, family, or a therapist, and reframe success as a result of hard work and skill rather than luck or external factors. 

Rich and Maikel discuss how to deal with Imposter Syndrome in this episode of Mainline Executive Coaching ACT.

Leaders, Lead Well!

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John Mattone Global:

Rich Baron:

Maikel Bailey: