Mainline Executive Coaching ACT

Are You a Weird, Twisted, Freak of a Leader? Part 1 - The Dorian Gray Play

Rich Baron and Maikel Bailey Episode 272

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Dorian Gray from all outside appearances was the ideal vision of youth.  He lived a life of hedonism and excess, constantly seeking pleasure and indulging in his every whim. He remained young and beautiful and from all outside appearances, it looked as though he had everything going for him. However, on the inside was a different story and the portrait that held his true image showed the monster he had become. 

Dorian Gray's story serves as a cautionary tale for those who are chasing their career goals at any and all cost. 

In part 1 of a 2 part series, Rich and Maikel uncover the portrait of leadership for those who would sell out others to obtain their goals in this episode of Mainline Executive Coaching ACT.

Leaders, Lead Well!

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Mainline Executive Coaching ACT has been recognized by FeedSpot as one of the top Executive Coaching Podcast in the world based on thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by traffic, social media, followers & freshness.

John Mattone Global:

Rich Baron:

Maikel Bailey: