Mainline Executive Coaching ACT

Leadership is Doer-ship

Rich Baron and Maikel Bailey Episode 280

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How often are we guilty of just reading the headline and immediately coming to our conclusions without ever reading the article? Digging deeper to find out exactly what the story was all about? How about in the workplace when you see a person's title and assume that they have it all figured out? After all, the title alone tells us that this person is a real go-getter capable of handling anything the business world can throw at them. 
Who do you know (yourself included) that chased that title only to realize that once there, they were in way over their heads when it comes to being a real leader.

That is because leadership is a craft and not a title. Their is a substantial difference in being good at your job as opposed to being a great leader. Just as with any craft, it takes time, coaching, and a focus on personal development to be able to DO those things required of leadership.

Rich and Maikel discuss the importance of developing the craft of leadership in this episode of Mainline Executive Coaching ACT.

Leaders, Lead Well!

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Mainline Executive Coaching ACT has been recognized by FeedSpot as one of the top Executive Coaching Podcast in the world based on thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by traffic, social media, followers & freshness.

John Mattone Global:

Rich Baron:

Maikel Bailey: