Mainline Executive Coaching ACT

Are You Being Gaslighted by a Narcissistic Boss?

Rich Baron and Maikel Bailey Episode 303

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Have you had a boss that seems to go over the top to gain your trust or confidence only to see that relationship evolve into something toxic? Gaslighting is a form of psychological and emotional abuse that involves distorting the truth to gain your trust and confidence. This turns into questioning someone’s credibility, minimizing or denying things that happened, or leaving out key facts. These just a few examples of gaslighting tactics.

Gaslighting typically begins in the devaluing stage of the relationship, after the narcissist has used love-bombing and other tactics to gain your trust.

Rich and Maikel unveil the tactics used by narcissistic bosses, and how to recognize and protect yourself against these evil tactics on Mainline Executive Coaching ACT.

Download the free toolkit on how to deal with a narcissist from our websites:

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Rich Baron:

Maikel Bailey: