Mainline Executive Coaching ACT

Flushing Money Down The Drain: The Real Cost of Poor Leadership

Rich Baron and Maikel Bailey Episode 322
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00:00 | 43:46

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Let's start with just a few numbers from 2024, shall we?

  • 7% of total revenues
  • Organizational loss of revenue at $126K per year
  • 11% of Global GDP
  • $680 Billion in the US alone
  • 82% of employees looking for new positions

The cost of Poor Leadership is staggering! 
Yet the question remains - Why do organizations keep tolerating toxic leaders?

Rich and Maikel unpack the real cost of poor leadership in this episode of Mainline Executive Coaching ACT.

Leaders, Lead Well!

Thank you to all of our listeners in over 80 countries and 850 cities worldwide, we greatly appreciate your support! We truly hope that what we bring to our listeners will improve your ability as leaders.

Mainline Executive Coaching ACT has been recognized by FeedSpot as one of the top Executive Coaching Podcast in the world based on thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by traffic, social media, followers & freshness.

John Mattone Global:

Rich Baron:

Maikel Bailey: